How to Clean Your Home Fast: 10 Secrets for Busy Parents

As the saying goes, time is the one thing you can never get back. Working parents are often juggling multiple responsibilities with little time to spare. 

For example, it's not uncommon for parents to have a full day at work that ends with them driving their child to practice or a friend's house. That leaves precious little time in the day for things like cleaning the house! 

These busy schedules leave little time for keeping house and ensuring that everything is shipshape. 

While some might see this as a negative, it actually presents an opportunity for savvy parents to save time and achieve better outcomes by streamlining certain processes with cleaning hacks. 

Whether your home is currently buried under piles of laundry or you're just looking for ways to make your cleaning routine more efficient, we've got you covered.

1. Planning Comes First

One of the best ways to streamline your cleaning routine is to plan around your schedule and assign tasks to each family member. This allows for more efficient cleaning, as each person will know what they are responsible for and when they need to complete the task. 

For example, children can be a great help with basic cleaning tasks. 

A child who can help with everyday chores around the house will gain valuable skills and have a sense of ownership over their living space. 

Children can often take on simple tasks like cleaning their own room, mopping the floor, or folding laundry. 

If you are looking for a more thorough cleaning, however, it might be best to assign more complicated tasks to adults.

2. Dumpster Diving

When it comes to cleaning, you can't beat the recycling bin. Dumpster diving can be a great way to recycle items that might otherwise end up in the garbage. 

Try taking a second glance at the items in your home that are on the verge of uselessness.

Is there anything that could be repurposed less expensively or more creatively? 

If you are in the market for a new vacuum and have a bag or two of old clothing that is on the verge of retirement, why not attempt to rework it into a new cleaning tool?

Every item has at least one second life. Your cleaning routine can save time and money by repurposing items you already have.

3. Using the Right Tools Makes Everything Easier

Of course, having the right cleaning tools will help your cleaning routine's effectiveness. 

But what exactly does that mean? 

Brooms and mops are obvious selections for a home cleaning regimen. However, many different makes and models of these tools differ significantly in both price and effectiveness. 

Try to find the right balance between durability, effectiveness, and price. You want to invest in a tool that will last a long time and not be a constant source of frustration.

Rags, sponges, and pads are great for just about anything! They are cheap, easy to make, and repurposable. 

Dusting clothes are essential. They are great for cleaning hard-to-reach places like fans, bookshelves, and blinds. 

Finally, disinfecting wipes can be a great way to kill germs and clean up stains.

4. Don't Forget About Windows and Doors

The most overlooked cleaning component is often overlooked because people rarely think to clean them. 

There is often a misconception that windows and doors need to be cleaned every day. While that might be true in a commercial setting, it isn't necessary for residential cleaning. 

However, if your windows are covered in streaks, your doors have cobwebs, and grime or your blinds are covered in dust and debris, it can make your home look unclean and uninviting. 

Washing windows and doors is a great way to improve the look of your home on a regular basis.

5. Take Advantage of Natural Light

Lighting is everything. 

You can have the cleanest home, but if it is dark and dingy, it will still look uninviting and dirty. 

Warm lighting is the best way to create an inviting and cozy atmosphere in your home. 

Try to position your lighting in a way that will spread light throughout the room.

 For example, placing lamps and fixtures near windows and in corners can help light up large areas.

6. Schedule Weekly Cleansing Sessions with Tasks

While it might be tempting to turn your home cleaning into a daily or hourly event, it is often better to do larger cleanings less frequently. 

For example, you should try to do a thorough cleaning session at least once a week. This will allow you to focus on each task and get them all done in a winning time frame.

7. The Magic of Laundry Day

Cleaning doesn't always mean you need to scrub the walls or wipe down the countertops. Many effective cleaning techniques are simply about cleaning up after yourself. 

Laundry is the best example of this. 

When you do your laundry, you aren't just cleaning your clothing; you are cleaning your entire home. Clothes that are in the laundry are out of the way, and they are cleaning your home as they sit there. 

Lint from clothing is one of the biggest causes of indoor air pollution, so by doing laundry regularly, you can prevent it from building up and making your home dirty.

8. Make a Cleaning Mix A.K.A. "Mrs. Clean"

There are many cleaning recipes and mixes that can make cleaning much easier. For example, you can make a homemade all-purpose spray that can be used for various purposes. 

There are countless recipes available online that can help you make your own special formula. You can also make your own cleaning solution in a large container to have it whenever you need it. 

Not only is this a great way to have everything you need on hand, but it is also a great way to save money.

9. Get More Help From Your Kid(s)

Kids love to help out, so let them! Allowing your child to do chores and help out around the house will give them a sense of ownership and pride in their home. 

This can also help them to develop valuable skills that will help them their entire lives. However, working with your child can be tricky. 

Since children are more likely to make mistakes and be careless, it is important to make sure everything is safe. You should never leave your child unsupervised while cleaning. 

10. Hiring Help Doesn't Have to Be Expensive

Hiring professional help can be a great way to get your home back on track. 

Many cleaning services will come to your home and work to your desired schedule. While these services can be expensive, there are ways to get them at a discounted rate. 

Try asking friends and family if they know of anyone who is looking for a job. You could also try finding someone online via Craigslist or Upwork. 

You may be able to get the help that way at a discounted rate.

Custom Maids, for instance, is a great way to get professional help without spending a lot of money. We offer a wide range of services that can be customized to your specific needs. 

We also offer discounts for first-time customers and package deals that can save you money. Contact us today to learn more about our services!

The Bottom Line

There you have it; all the secrets for cleaning your home fast. 

Now that you know how to make the most of your cleaning time, you can get your home spic and span in no time at all. 

These tips and tricks will help you get through your cleaning tasks with ease, so you can spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying your home.

And, if you need help, don't forget that Custom Maids is always here for you. Contact us today to schedule a cleaning session. We would be more than happy to help you get your home clean and keep it that way.

Call our team to get a free estimate.

A weekly house cleaning service is the perfect way to spend quality time with your loved ones without having to worry about getting everything done around the house.

You spend so much time providing — let us take care of the cleaning.We'll come in every week (or every other week) and refresh everything just the way you like it. After just the first couple of regular cleans, we'll learn things about you that you wouldn't even know to let us know about
